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Does excessive occlusal load affect osseointegration? An experimental study in the dog


زبان: انگلیسی


تعداد صفحات:10

abstratct:Aim:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of excessive occlusal load following placement of titanium implants in the presence of healthy peri-implant mucosal tissues.Materials & methods:Mandibular bilateral recipient sites in six Labrador dogs were established by extracting premolars & molars.After 3 months, two TPS (titanium plasma sprayed) implants & two SLA (sandblasted, large grit, acid etched) implants were placed on each side of the mandible in each dog. Three implants were lost in the initial healing phase, leaving 45 implants for evaluation. Following 6 months of healing, gold crowns were placed on implants on the test side of the mandible. The crowns were in supra-occlusal contact with the opposing teeth in order to create excessive occlusal load. Implants on the control side were not loaded. Plaque control was performed throughout the experimental period. Clinical measurements & standardised radiographs were obtained at baseline & 1, 3 & 8months after loading
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