Case Selection is Critical for Successful Outcomes Following Immediate Implant Placement in the Esthetic Zone
انتشار: 2017
زبان: انگلیسی
تعداد صفحات:4
abstratct:Article Title and Bibliographic InformationImmediate versus delayed implant placement after anterior single tooth extraction: the timing randomized controlled clinical trial. Tonetti MS, Cortellini P, Graziani F, Cairo F, Lang NP, Abundo R, Conforti GP, Marquardt S, Rasperini G, Silvestri M, Wallkamm B, Wetzel A. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2017;44(2):215-24.Source of FundingNonprofit, Foundations: European Research Group on Periodontology, Genova, Italy Industry: Thommen Medical AG, Switzerland and Geistlich AG, Switzerland (biomaterials).Type of Study/DesignRandomized controlled trial